The Writers’ Guild
Tzachi Avinoam, Nova Dobel, Amir Harash, Neta Atzmon
The Writers’ Guild Show was inspired by the scribes who worked in the sphere of Israeli courts and government institutions in the 1950s and ‘60s. Equipped with typewriters, they helped people word letters, applications, and various written requests. However, the scribes served more than mere bureaucratic needs; they fulfilled emotional and spiritual needs too, much like the Romantic period’s writers-for-hire, who helped inarticulate lovers pour their desire and longing into passionate and eloquent love letters. Similarly, the guild members aim to capture and convey the living moment in poetry. They are stylistic chameleons, able to adapt their writing to the spirit of the event and the client’s needs. In this shared, carnivalesque, multi-genre, mischievous writing experience, the audience’s words and experiences serve as the foundation for the gift of an imitable text.