These Weighted Stones
Noga Sirota, Asa Rikin
From the film “These Weighted Stones”, 2023
3D Modeling: SimpleX Mapping Solution
Jerusalem has always existed on two levels: the physical and the spiritual. It is at the same time an idea and a place, a mythical city, and an actual city.
"These Weighted Stones" is an animation project that deals with the many documentation methods of these two cities, through archival research and visual materials from various sources seamed together. Historical maps of the city, murals in the old city, and public space architectural elements are visual raw materials for animation, used by the creators. The animated video seeks to convey to the viewer the experience of a documentary burden held by the city and the life in it.
Sirota and Rikin's focus in this work is on the seam between the animative aesthetic and a documentary, between the material and the unattainable worlds.